Congratulations to everyone who wrote this week! Like the judge says below: You're all winners. CUPCAKES FOR EVERYONE!!!! ...actual cupcakes...ahem... If you missed any of the stories, read them here. Done? Great! Now let's see what the judge had to say about them:
I enjoyed all the entries this week, and it was so hard to
pick just one. You’re all winners in my book.
Michael Simko: That Cleopatra is a sneaky one. Never trust a woman. The
way you combine history and sci fi together is astounding. And who doesn’t love
a story about a love you’d sacrifice your life for? You told so much of this
story in so few words. I like the way you weave the challenge words into the
story. Great job!
@CharlesWShort: I liked your take on the prompt, with a car
accident. The ending was unexpected. I couldn’t understand why she needed to
teddy bear at the beginning of the story, but then your last sentence dropped
the bomb making it come full circle. I loved the way you led up to the point.
Well done.
@howdylauren: Oh for the love of the cupcake! The lovers
love of the cupcake. The tone of this piece was great. Your description was so
on point, and it takes you from one scene to the next, as you’re trying to
figure out what this woman, who is obviously crazy, has done. My favorite line:
“Their eyes scanned over the crumbling entrails and torn, half-devoured
wrappings.” Brilliant.
@db_foy Foy: Heartbreaking tale of a father “rescuing” his
daughter and sacrificing her mother. The teddy bear prompt was used so well in
this scene, and I visualized the beloved bear being trampled over as the
wide-eyed child looked on. The
connection between the bear being lost and the mother being rolled over was
brilliant. Chilling. You did so much with this prompt—great job!
@KJCollard Kendall Jaye: A fire and a cooking failure. I
love the way the president is so human in this piece. She’s so embarrassed of
setting the kitchen on fire, and you can feel her desire to run and hide at
what she’s done. Great take on the prompt, and great use of all the challenge
words too.
Special Challenge Champion:
MRMacrum: Wow—great use of the challenge words. This little bedtime story stuck with me all week. When I first started reading I thought, “What kind of lunatic tells his granddaughter a murder mystery?” When you delivered the punch line of the cupcake, I just laughed and laughed. I loved how at the end we find out who the president really was! So funny. I may have to tell this one to my daughter.
@geofflepard: Another story that stuck
with me all week. As I was reading this little story, I thought maybe she’d
lost her cat. Finding out who Cupcake was made me feel heartbroken for this
woman. The dialogue was spot on, and the
confusion of the scene is palpable in your description. I thought you did an amazing job with this
prompt, and I can’t stop thinking of Mrs. Abalon and her long lost daughter,
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