Tuesday, July 17, 2012

5 Minute Fiction

Yes, you read that right! 5 MINUTES. Did I make it? No. Not technically. Well, probably, but it didn't count. :) Apparently there's a flash fiction contest that is posted at 8:30pm (EST) on Tuesday evening called 5MinuteFiction. I just found out about it today. I decided I'd try to do it if I was around at 6:30 Colorado time (I'm on vacation). Well, I was finishing up the kids baths and I ran to the computer...6:39...Hmmm...there's time. :D  Well, I wrote that thing so fast I'm sure I burned tons of calories because my heart was pounding so fast I could hear it! Literally! Unfortunately, after putting it on the comment section and filling out my info, it was one minute late. 8:46 EST. Bummer. Oh well, I didn't make the cut off this week, but there's always next week...and it'll be 7:30 then...past bathtime anyway! Well, here's my first one: It had to include a new beginning and something ending.

“I can’t believe it’s time.” Sydney had been planning for this moment for as long as she could remember. Every day for years, this day had been in her mind – not necessarily in her conscious thoughts, but in the back of her mind, driving her.

Her mother stepped closer and placed her hands on her cheeks, “You’re ready for this.”

Sydney blushed, “Mom! You’re embarrassing me!” She half-heartedly batted her hands away. Once it happened, she missed her touch, so she grasped both of her mother’s hands in her own. “I’m gonna miss you.”

Her mother smiled, “I’m not far. I’m sure I’ll see you when you get a free moment in your busy schedule… Hmmm, perhaps not all that often.” She bit her lip. She had told herself not to cry. This was her only baby, and she was an adult now. “You’ll have a great time. Go. Have fun. Don’t forget to study!”

Sydney turned to go. She looked at her dorm for a moment, and smiled.

That's all I got finished anyway, and it was finished enough to try to send it in. However, if I had a few more minutes, I might've finished a little differently. Perhaps turning back to blow her Mom a kiss or squaring her shoulders and taking a deep breath before telling herself that she WAS ready for this... Or both. But I didn't have that time, so...oh well. I'm off to write some more of my novel-in-progress now...no more flash tonight for me!

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