I love how each entry was completely different from the others. It's so much fun to see the unique ways a prompt will influence different people. Thank you all for sharing your stories with us! If you missed any of them, go here before reading the judges comments. So without further ado, let's read what the judge had to say:
Sonja: Regretfully this story must be disqualified for
failing to start with the mandatory first sentence. Kudos for the reference to
my favorite hero/vilian Vlad the Empaler. Favorite line: "The light from
the fire made the colors glitter and made them look even more out of this
dr.magoo: Delightful story. Enjoyed your twist: the
scientist they hired to catch the dinosaurs being responsible for releasing
them. Favorite line: I mean, sure, the transformer which supplied the power to
the safety fence had blown up, but the Apatosauruses were kind of slow, and it
should be hours before they started causing problems.
mysoulsters: Like the way you turned the song lyrics into
part of your story. Favorite line: "And I know, not one of them went to
heaven when they died."
Anonymous: I loved your twist of making the dinosaurs old
retired people. Your imagery of the vets using their scooters to cause havoc in
the town was hilarious. Favorite line: "So I can just leave when the
dinosaurs go on a rampage."
Grand Champion AND Special Challenge Champion: dr.maggo
A delightful story with an interesting twist. Loved your
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