The judge has made his decisions! If you missed any of the stories, go check them out here. Otherwise, continue reading to see what the judge had to say:
Cinders by @laurenegreene
What an interesting, and devastatingly sad tale! I felt so
sorry for the boy, abandoned by his parents with nothing but a toy dragon to
keep him safe. I hope one day you revisit this story. I’d love to see what
happened to cause the boy to burn down the tree. Great story!
Possessed by @susanOreilly3
Great story! I love the imagery you put out through this
piece, and can feel the child’s terror of the tree, and the witch living in
there, but also her strength and determination to put a stop to her and protect
her family. Well done!
Burning Bright by @geofflepard
Holy shit! This reads like the memoir of a very, very
disturbed young man. I’m guessing that’s what you were going for, and you did
one hell of a job man. Wow. I would not want to piss this dude off, at all.
Last Friday the 13th by @callthewriter
Lmao! This story is awesome! The only thing I think it’s
missing is evil, possessed garden gnomes. I really, really love what you did
here, especially with the neighborhood women and the hot firemen. This sounds
like a very interesting neighborhood to live in, haha.
Fiona’s Tree of Life by @CharlesWShort
This story had me on edge. I thought it was going one way,
but then it went this other way and I was glad! What an asshole Jackson is! She
should have throat-punched him.
Pacts by @MichaelSimko1
Oh man, these are some messed up folks, let me tell you. You
had me wondering what the hell was going on from the second paragraph, and
still guessing at the end, very well done! I think these two psychos are made
for each other!
Heresy of the Oak by rowdy_phantom
To me, this reads as a very gritty, very dark fairy tale and
I love it. Sounds like something you’d use to scare kids away from climbing
your favorite tree, late in the autumn. Something told around a burning,
crackling fire. Loved it!
Honorable Mention - From the Chronicles of Hamm - The Story of Epic Bacon by
When I read this title aloud to my wife, I believe I said,
“This better be good—it has bacon in the title.” Lucky for you, I won’t have to
hunt you down and hypnotize you into hating bacon for the rest of your life.
This sounds like the beginnings of a really funny, really cool MG novel! If you
aren’t already working on it, I’d hop to it before the health nuts outlaw bacon
or something.
Special Challenge Champion - To Gain The Empty Throne by @clivetern
Wow! That’s one way to take over the world! Such an amazing
tale you wove in such a short amount of words. I loved how you built this
world, and then destroyed it, all in one fiery breath. Well done!
Runner Up - The Grass Never Grew by @LurchMunster
Oh my. As soon as I got into this, I knew it was going to be
something haunting, and I was not disappointed in the least little bit. Great
imagery, beautiful and brutal, just as I like it. And the ending—that was
bloody awesome. Bravo.
Grand Champion - Peacocking by @fs_iver
Bahahaha! This is genius =D I pretty much laughed my way
through the entire thing. Through all that though, I really felt the insane
sadness coming from Byron. It seems a villain’s worst fear, to become
irrelevant. Awesome job!
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