WooHoo! The judge has spoken! (or written...whatever.) If you missed the fun, go read the entries here. Otherwise, keep reading to see what Emily had to say!!! :)
One of the things I love about Finish That Thought is seeing
how each author takes a common opening and puts a different spin on it, and you
did an excellent job.
mysoulstears: I liked the sense of whimsy you gave your
story when you made the beetle a tie-dyed Volkswagon. I also liked the
apprentice's determination, despite 25 faliures in a row he just keeps trying.
Favorite line: "You could have been a giant, live, Rhino Beetle, and poked
holes in the walls, and run amok in the castle."
storeroomoftheheart: Your story took a turn that I never
would have thought of. I enjoyed your description of the difference in time for
the boy and the wizard. Favorite line: "The apprentice answered with a
touch of sadness that he knew something they refused to believe, winter was
Nada Adel Sobhi: I got a chuckle from the apprentice's name
'Nozo' and his description. Favorite line: 'He thought it had a sarcastic and
proud air about it; but being a beetle, it couldn't possibly have such an air
to it, he told himself."
JM MacF: I liked the air of menace you gave Instructress
Zulu, I wouldn't want her for a teacher. Favorite line: "And if I fail, he
is the least likely to be missed since he is scheduled to be dismissed
Patrick Stahl: I liked the competition between Clara and
James. Favorite line: "She clawed at the skin until the cold flow of blood
ran slick on her fingers."
Anonymous (asekingprinces17@yahoo.com): I liked the
relationship between Alec and Elmira. Favorite line: "He needed something
less defensive if he was going to impress Elmira with an elephant."
Special Challenge Champion: Anonymous (Marie)
(asekingprinces17@yahoo.com) The beetle turning into a dragon was the best
example of a magic spell gone horribly wrong.
Grand Champion: mysoulstears A delightfully whimsical piece
with a serious tone (the implied connection between the subconscious and
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