Great job, everyone! I had fun reading the stories this week! Thanks for sharing. If you haven't had a chance to read them yet, check them out here. Otherwise, here's what judge Kate Julicher had to say:
Pen name: I loved this story. It’s got familiar elements - father bringing son up onto a mountain to sacrifice - done in a different way. My one question was whether his son or the god actually did the pushing… maybe you meant that to be vague
drmagoo - super creepy and evocative! Good job building the creepy up bit by bit until we got the answer
storeroomoftheheart - oh, interesting premise but you got the judge who is a computer and gun nut so it raised a ton of worldbuilding questions (like “how can it guarantee richochet shots, bullets go through a lot more things than they bounce off of”) and that distracted me just a little but the situation - WW3 between gangs - was cool and the ending, ominous…
Christy - whoa, awesome. I love the practical magic vibes, and a great ending. I really sympathized with their dilemma. It had a sort of Americanized Harry Potter feel to it.
mysoulstears - I loved this piece. Nice and seasonal, and a great look into someone’s head at a very stressful moment. And plenty of FIRE! Darn cats!
LadyHazmat - the last line was a killer. I totally sympathized with poor Shelley! I liked, “Sorry Bill. But it’s either you or me” too.
Special Challenge Runner-Up: Christy
Special Challenge Champion: mysoulstears
Runner-Up: Pen Name
Grand Champion: LadyHazmat
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