I have written four flash pieces this past month that I haven't posted, so here's the first one. It was for Flash! Friday over at Rebekah Postupak's blog. It's a great flash fiction site if you're looking to jump in and join us! The prompts change each week, so you never know what's coming. In addition to the Friday prompt, she also has a critique piece on one of the non-winning entries and an interview with the overall winner that week. Super fun!
This piece was written for Feb 15th's competition. That week was a 150-400 word murder mystery story based on your choice of both a weapon and location.

I chose the poisoned wine and the staircase. It came in at 398 words. Enjoy! :)
By the way, this was one of my first attempts at 3rd person omniscient viewpoint...I'm not sure it came out right, but it was fun! It was way longer and I had to cut a lot out to fit the word count...
The poison took time to increase in potency to the point
where it would kill. That made it untraceable. It was placed in the wine and
left to age. It would be opened tonight.
They were drinking out of custom goblets. The glass cup was ensconced
within intricate iron filigree. Each was unique: a dragon, a fox, a ram, a
bull, a stag, a snake, and an eagle.
The goblets were left alone in the kitchen, full and
awaiting service, for too long. It
needed only a moment to place the poison. The deed was done.
The girl, unknowing, carried the tray into the dining room,
placed it on the buffet, curtsied, and withdrew. The conversation stopped as
each eyed the goblets with knowing looks.
“Splendid!” Gordon stood and waved his arms toward the
drinks, “Grab a goblet and we shall discuss business particulars upstairs.”
His six guests filed over and picked one seemingly at
“Look here!” exclaimed Tidus, “I do believe this is a bull!
Beautiful work.”
The rest raised their goblets to see the animal on their
own. Michael said in disgust, “I’ll not have a stag! Give me the bull!” And he
yanked the goblet out of Tidus’ hand and replaced it with the stag.
Marcus laughed, “I don’t know how I ended up with the snake,
but that seems more befitting your character, Caius.” He held it out with a
quirk of his eyebrow.
Caius smirked, inclined his head, and exchanged his own ram.
“And if there is anyone quite so cunning as a fox it’s
Bartholomew. This cup was made for you.” Peter raised his eyebrows and pursed
his lips as he waited to see whether Bartholomew would take it.
Bartholomew squinted his eyes at Peter for a moment before
reaching for the fox. He held it up and examined it before handing his own
dragon to Peter.
“Oh my!” Peter continued, “And this is a dragon! Surely this
belongs to the master of the house!” He turned toward Gordon and smiled.
Gordon eyed his own eagle for a moment before relinquishing
it with a small smile and a nod of his head. “Are we all thus arranged?” He
didn’t wait for a reply, “To my partners in crime, may we grow stronger
together.” They each raised their goblet and drank.
As they all ascended the spiral staircase, Michael fell down
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